PROJECTs by kai

PROJECTs by kai is a central location to find all of Kai Watanabe’s passion projects.
Currently, all projects are Teamfight Tactics related, including (but not limited to) PROJECT PBE, and PROJECT MENTR.


Set 14
March 24th - March 30th

A competitive pre-season practice tool for Teamfight Tactics, featuring a one-week 3rd-party ranked ladder culminating in a high-stakes, checkmate-style tournament.

Only the top 325 applicants based on peak rank are accepted.

This project is NOT sponsored or affiliated with Riot Games


Set 14
April 2nd - July

A personalized coaching platform for Teamfight Tactics players, offering tailored guidance from world-class, top-ranked mentors, exclusive tournaments, and ongoing perks and benefits for returning participants.

Selection is highly competitive.

This project is NOT sponsored or affiliated with Riot Games


Keep up-to-date with all future PROJECTs by kai, and reminded when past PROJECTs (like PROJECT PBE/MENTR) return