The #1 Teamfight Tactics Personal Training Program

Bi-weekly coaching, exclusive tournaments, group sessions, and more


  • Twice a week 1-hour coaching sessions with your mentor

  • Direct channel to your mentor, available 24/7

  • Mid-set tournament with prizing, exclusive to PROJECT MENTR players

  • End-of-set tournament with prizing, exclusive to PROJECT MENTR players

  • Weekly group pro VOD review sessions lead by kai


  • Promoted to “Graduate Apprentice” role and permissions in the PROJECT MENTR Discord

  • Lifetime 5% OFF if you join the program in a future set

  • Lifetime access to join the waitlist for PROJECT MENTR tournaments

  • Lifetime access to the VODs of all pro group VOD review sessions

  • Lifetime access to exclusive perks as the brand evolves



The incredible players who you will have access to, alongside their achievements in Teamfight Tactics


NA Representative at Worlds

Rank 1 in Set 7.5 and Set 8
NA Regionals player


Rank 1 EUW
EUW Representative at Worlds


Peak Rank 3 NA
NA Regionals player
Rank 1 NA Mobile Player


Peak Rank 2 NA
NA Regionals player


Rank 1 SG
Peak Rank 3 NA in Set 4
Fun fact: Owner of TFT Clips


Rank 1 Global (2100+LP)
Rank 1 EUNE across multiple sets


TFT educational YouTuber
2nd Place Shurima Cup


Selection process

How to apply and get selected for the program


Apply for the PROJECT MENTR Apprenticeship Program (form can be found at the bottom of this page) and select which mentors you’d would like to work with during the application process.

STEP 2: Interview scheduling

Mentors review the applicants who have expressed interest and schedule interviews with them.

STEP 3: Interview process

Applicants interview with mentors, discussing their strengths, weaknesses, and learning goals to help determine if the pairing will be a good fit.


Mentors assess the interviews and select the mentees they believe will benefit most from their guidance. All potential mentees will be notified if they’ve been accepted, waitlisted, or rejected


Once the mentor-apprentice pairing is confirmed, payment must be finalized before starting the program. After confirmation of payment, mentorship begins


Hear directly from the players who have previously went through the program!

“PROJECT MENTR was a really interesting experience that I would wholeheartedly recommend to anyone trying to improve at TFT. However, this is a program that requires a lot out of you as the apprentice.

The resources you have from PROJECT MENTR are extremely helpful if you want to improve, but you need to put the time in to get better at the game and communicate with your mentor to find out what you need to be working on and what is going well.

Having 14 weeks to work together with a really, really good TFT player allows you to restructure your approach to TFT by helping you improve in every aspect of the game, positioning, econ, item management, line selection, etc.

For me personally, I was able to climb ~200 LP over my peak and definitely could have gone higher had I been a little more invested in this set.

Would recommend this program to anyone that wants to get better at TFT!”

Quack 628 | Set 13 Apprentice

“I just reached Challenger rank for the first time this set, after being stuck in GM for a long time following my graduation from PROJECT MENTR in set 13!

Through the program, I definitely improved as a player and gained invaluable insights into the game and the competitive scene—experiences I wouldn't have had without this opportunity.

It might not seem like it, but PROJECT MENTR offers incredible value, especially when you consider the cost per coaching session. It's definitely a great deal for anyone looking to level up their TFT game.

I highly recommend it to anyone passionate about TFT who wants to learn more and improve. It's an even better fit for those who care about their rank and are willing to put in the time and effort.

PROJECT MENTR will be the home that nurtures the next generation of NA talent!”

Aceuke | Set 13 Apprentice

“If you've been thinking about getting coaching for a while and you feel like you're hard stuck at your LP, Project MENTR could be a great fit. While it isn't cheap, you get a lot of value for the money, and most importantly a consistent coach who can help understand your strengths, playstyle, and bad habits that need to be broken.

Improvement still won't come overnight, but with your dedication,and a supportive coach, you'll be able to take the steps towards rewiring your brain to play stronger TFT. If you just don't know why you can't climb, then strongly consider Project MENTR.

My key points about the program:
1. It can be hard to know what you're doing wrong, and coaching is one of the most expedient ways to get that.
2. It is great to develop a rapport with your coach, and this program is kind of like a personal trainer at the gym. Now that you've invested the money, you're more likely to actually commit to your own improvement.
3. Having a consistent coach adds value above and beyond the 1-2 vod reviews you might normally do with coaches.
4. While it isn’t cheap, the cost per session is on par with standard coaching, and the program adds additional value through community, tournaments, and consistent support from a dedicated coach who wants to see you improve.”

Virtual | Set 13 Apprentice

“As someone who has never done any form of coaching I think this program was probably the best way I could experience it, having several coaching sessions allowed my coach to tell what my main issues were and progressively move towards helping me remedy those mistakes.

With how much I play TFT on my own, and it being my primary game, I found the price to be fair, since it was not only the sessions with my coach, but also the group VOD review sessions where I met a few of the other players, and have now formed a separate study group server.

That server as someone who has 0 friends who play TFT, let alone at a high level, is a great thing to come out of the program. For anyone who really wanted to become great at the game, I would recommend the program to them.

I think I personally improved and my LP shows it, I had never broken 100 LP Masters and this set I peaked 500LP.

Going up 400 LP over one season is quite a leap. If I kept that pace I could be Challenger in two more sets (although that's not really how this works lol)!

But you really have to put your best foot forward to see the effect these sessions can have!”

K-Town Punk | Set 13 Apprentice

“PROJECT MENTR was the first time I've paid for coaching so I wasn't sure how helpful the program would be for me.

Now that the program has ended, I can confidently say I've improved a lot from this program and picked up fundamental skills that I can use through future sets.

Having a top ranked player look over my games and evaluate my decisions was extremely helpful and introduced me to concepts I'd never even though of.

One benefit of this program over a single coaching session was that my mentor and I met multiple times a week so we could track my growth and make sure that I had fully absorbed topics that we had covered.

Before PROJECT MENTR, I had barely reached Master in Set 10 and Set 12. This set, I reached Master by the 2nd patch and GM a couple patches later. I'm still trying to push for Challenger before the end of the set, which is something I never imagined myself doing.

I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in improving at TFT. My only recommendations to new Mentees are to take notes and join the group events like VOD Reviews and Tournaments.

I've met some really cool people from joining those and it's been a really fun and educational journey.”

King Shane | Set 13 Apprentice

“Having played TFT since set 3, PROJECT MENTR reignited my competitive enjoyment for the game and Set 13 has genuinely been the most TFT I have ever played.

The program succeeds at fostering a positive learning community that mimics a professional "study group". In term of results, I worked closely with my mentor fixing bad habits, studying the meta and enhancing my fundamentals.

As of writing, I have already surpassed my peak rank across all my sets of playing. The mid and end of set tournament are also tons of fun and huge competitive motivators throughout the set.”

SheavthenS | Set 13 Apprentice


Fill out the form below to sign-up for the interview portion of the application!

Reminder: This is an intensive 3-month, paid ($1225) program. Below, you are only signing up for the interview process which is free.

Sign-ups close: March 26th, 2025