This project is not sponsored/affiliated/endorsed with Riot Games. We've NEVER claimed to be Riot affiliated or Riot sponsored. If there are any concerns regarding legality, please feel free to contact Kai.


Sign-Ups Close
March 26th, 2025 at 11:59PM EST

Interview Window
March 27th, 2025 → March 30th, 2025
Program Start
April 2nd, 2025
Program End
Last day of the last cup of the NA competitive circuit
(Guaranteed 20 sessions/10 weeks minimum)

What is the
Apprenticeship Program?

Note: The term “apprentice” and “mentee” can be used interchangeably

The PROJECT MENTR Apprenticeship Program is a one-of-a-kind program, to best improve at Teamfight Tactics! You will get to work one on one with a Mentor from the beginning of a set, all the way to the offseason (AKA last day of the final cup of a set) to improve your skills as a player! You will have a direct channel to talk to your mentors, ask any questions, and VOD review/get coaching twice a week. Additionally, you will also have optional pro VOD review sessions available to you weekly, and a mid and end-of-set tournament available exclusive to apprentices with generous prizing, to help you learn how to prepare for tournaments! We will help you focus on improving your fundamentals, hone your skills, and most importantly, improve your ability to critically assess and improve as a general learner for any skill.

After signing up, Mentors will interview every applicant who expressed interest in wanting to become their mentee, and schedule a day to talk to each applicant to get a feel for each student! Mentors will pick and notify their apprentice(s) of their apprenticeship by Monday, March 31st at 11:59PM PST. It is possible to be either accepted, waitlisted, or denied from the interview process. If accepted, you will have a 24 hour window to confirm payment to be accepted. If waitlisted, you will be notified (latest) of your status by Tuesday, April 1st at 9:00PM PST. If denied, you can always apply the following set. 

We believe every mentee can learn something from every mentor, but not every mentor is the best fit for every mentee. Pairing you with the right mentor is crucial for success! But beware, not all mentees will be accepted. It's up to the Mentor's sole discretion if they believe you two will be a strong fit for improvement.

Finally, at the end of your apprenticeship you will have your skills put to the test, and battle it out in a 2 day, checkmate format tournament* against other apprentices in a tournament with a $1000 USD prize pool**. You will also receive an individualized report of your progress that was created by your mentor, which represents your progress across the set.

*The format of the tournament may change depending on how many players are enlisted into the program
**$850 is split amongst the players, a $150 bonus is given to the mentor of the 1st place apprentice

What Have Previous Apprentices of the Program Said About PROJECT MENTR?

Players who partook in the program in previous sets have had a very positive reception to the program. You can read the testimonials here

Are There Any Benefits After the Program?

Yes! Once you have completed the program, your role in the official PROJECT MENTR server will be permanently changed to the “Graduate Apprentice” role. Graduate apprentices can expect the following benefits:

  • Access to join the waitlist for any PROJECT MENTR tournaments (including the mid-set and end of set tournament)

  • Lifetime 5% off the program if you decide to re-apply for PROJECT MENTR and are accepted by a different mentor

  • Future perks and benefits as the program continues to evolve


  1. Is there a ranked requirement to apply?

    Yes. The ranked requirement is minimum is Masters+, but keep in mind your mentor will probably prefer someone who has a decent grasp on the game already, since the winner of the tournament will win some of the cash back + their mentor gets a bonus.

  2. I’ve already hit Challenger, is this program even worth it for me?

    Yes, absolutely! This program has mentors who have hit the absolute apex of Teamfight Tactics on the competitive ladder (multiple rank 1 players on their respective servers, including NA, EUW, SG, etc.), and have even made deep runs in official Riot tournaments, including Regionals and Worlds. The difference between low challenger, mid challenger, and high challenger is enormous. We’ve had players who have hit as high as Challenger 1000+ LP partake in the program, still found it incredibly helpful, and have even returned to partake in the project again for more insight.

  3. How many mentors can I apply to work under?

    Up to 3. You should try and choose someone you know you’ll either vibe with, or think will fit your learning/playstyle. It’s up to the mentor to choose you as their apprentice. You can see a quick glimpse of their achievements here and learn all about them in this video!

  4. Why did we create the apprenticeship program?

    Simply put, the current TFT coaching space (and esports in general) needs an overhaul. It is currently more focused on one-time VOD reviews or live coaching. Both of which are great, but fail to ensure that players are actually learning/growing fundamentally over time. Not to mention how dynamic and ever changing the meta in TFT can be, where a comp can be good for one patch but suddenly be bad the next. The goal is to teach players how to (without external help) critically assess their positions, understand how to value units better (ex. 1-cost garen =/= 1-cost rek’sai), how to evaluate ambiguous positions on their own, develop their own ability to read the meta, and more. In the end, we want apprentices to primarily focus on building up their critical thinking abilities, and setting them up for success for both present and future sets.

  5. What can I expect out of the apprenticeship program as an apprentice?

    1. You will have access to the PROJECT MENTR discord. Inside the discord, there will be text channels and categories available to the public, where players can discuss the meta and learn from each other. 

    2. Voice and text channels specifically accessible to only you and your mentor, where you’ll be able to ask your mentor any questions you have at any time. 

    3. Two coaching sessions a week (usually ~1 hour per session), until the off-season (being whenever the last day for an official Riot Games cup is for that particular set in NA).

    4. Once a week (optional) group VOD review sessions lead by Kai, with other fellow mentors and mentees.

    5. Mid-set tournament (2-day checkmate format) with a $500 prize pool. This tournament will be accessible to all apprentices. A date will be decided when Set 14’s competitive schedule is announced.

    6. End of Set Tournament: We will also be hosting a tournament composed of all apprentices near the end of the set, where you can test what you’ve learned and see how well you perform against other players who have dedicated themselves just as much to the set as you have! The tournament will have a $850 prize pool, and your mentor will get a $150 bonus! The waitlist will comprise of past apprentices as well, who have undergone the program in previous sets.

    7. Individualized Report: You will receive an individualized report that showcases your progress across the whole set. You can find examples of reports previously given out here.

    8. Graduate Apprentice: Graduate apprentice role in the official discord after completion of the program, which contains benefits such as a 5% discount if selected to rejoin PROJECT MENTR under a different mentor, access to the waitlist for future PROJECT MENTR tournaments, and more as the brand expands.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask by direct messaging Kai on Discord (@kai_) or via email (! 

How Much DOES the Apprenticeship Program COST?

The program is $1225 USD, paid upfront, through the website. We know the program is expensive, but this is a 10+ week program with 20+ coaching sessions throughout the season, with an opportunity at the end to try and win your money back at the end of the program. You will also have multiple opportunities to win back some of the initial cost as prize money ($1350 in prizing).


  • Ranked requirement: Career peak Masters+ (any set)

  • Program contains the following:

    • Two 1+ hour coaching sessions per week

      • Program length is expected to be 10-14 weeks depending on competitive format. You are guaranteed a minimum of 10 weeks of twice a week coaching.

    • Direct text channel with your mentor 24/7

    • Mid-set tournament exclusive to mentees

      • $500.00 prize pool

    • End of set tournament exclusive to mentees

      • $850.00 prize pool, winner’s mentor gets a $150.00 bonus

    • Optional once per week, pro-VOD review sessions lead by Kai

      • These are open to all mentors and mentees in the program to help create more community/conversation between all mentors/mentees

    • A personalized, comprehensive report tailored to your skills, consolidating insights from the beginning, middle, and end of the program. 

      • Created by your mentor, this final report highlights your progress and provides strategic guidance for continued growth beyond the program.

  • Program cost: $1225.00

    • One-time payment, paid through the website after confirmation of acceptance

    • Deadline to apply: March 26th, 2025 11:59PM PST

    • Program starts: April 2nd, 2025 (set 14 launch on live servers)

    • Graduate apprentice role in the official discord after completion of the program, which includes benefits like discounts on reapplying, and access to the waitlist for future PROJECT MENTR events